Adélie Penguin

Adélie Penguin

Scientific Classification

Common NameAdélie Penguin
Genus SpeciesPygoscelis Adéliae

Scientific Name

The Adélie penguin is the littlest and the most widely spread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. Pygoscelis adeliae is the scientific name for the Adélie penguin.

The Adélie penguin got its name from the French Antarctic expedition led by explorer, Jules Dumont d’Urville. When he discovered these species in 1840, he decided to name them after his adorable wife, Adele. Scientists Charles Jacquinot and Jacques Hombron also attributed this name to the species of penguin.


Adélie penguins breed and raise their young on the continent of Antarctica. Thousands of Adélies gather on the rocky Antarctic shoreline in September and October, the spring of that part of the world. In September and October, spring in that part of the world, thousands of Adelia gather on the rocky coast of Antarctica. The huge gatherings are known as colonies.

Adélie Penguin
Adelie penguin facts and information
adelie penguins jump from iceberg in antarctica

Adélie Penguin Facts And Information

DescriptionAdélie penguin, a medium-sized penguin with a classic “tuxedo” appearance, a black head and back, and a feature white ring around the eyes.
Size46 to 71 cm (18-28 in)
Weight4 to 6 kg (8-13 lbs)
DietPrimarily small krill
Incubation34 days; after hatching, parents brood chicks for an additional 22 days
Sexual MaturityThe average age of sexual maturity in males is four years, while females become sexually mature at the age of three life
e Span15-20 years
RangeCircumpolar on and around the Antarctic continent
HabitatUsually found within the limits of the Antarctic icepack
Population2.5 million breeding pairs
  • The Adélie is a small species of penguin with a black head and back, and a white front, and will develop white eye-rings during the breeding season.
  • The Adélie penguins live at sea in the Antarctic winter.
  • Adélie penguins are one of three species of “brush-tail” penguins along with the Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins
  • The Adélie is the littlest penguin species in the Antarctic.
  • These species of penguin are mid-sized, 46 to 71 cm in height, and 4 to 6 kg in weight.
  • The deepest dive recorded by Adele Penguin is 180 meters.
  • Adélie penguins from Antarctica have white circles around their eyes.
  • Adélie penguins build nests by scooping out areas in the ground.
  • One stays behind to keep the eggs warm and safe from predators, while the other parent goes out to eat. Both parents care for the eggs.
  • Male Adélies are nest builders. The mother penguin usually lays two eggs in the nest. Adélie penguin eggs hatch in December.
  • Male and female Adélies are similar in size and features, which makes it difficult to tell the difference between them, whether are male or female
  • The main source of food is tiny aquatic creatures like krill and small shrimp, but they also eat fish and squids.
  • They plunge into the sea and start hunting on their own for food.
  • Like other species of penguin, Adélies are excellent swimmers.
  • Their modified wings help propel them through the water rather than air.
  • Like other species of penguin, Adélies are efficient swimmers.
  • They’re pretty fast and waddle around about 1.5mph
  • Adélie may travel 185 miles to find food and is also known to dive as deep as 575 feet in search of such quarry.
  • These seabirds are swimmers, not fliers.


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