External Linking

How links are chosen for Animal On Planet

The Animal on Planet includes links to both internal and external websites. We select links that are editorially relevant to the content they’re linking from and are suitable for the likely audience.
These links are included for several reasons, including:
  • for useful practical information
  • for further informed comment
  • for entertainment or enjoyment
  • for background information
  • for further relevant information or other key source material
We don’t link to external sites in return for services, cash, or any other considerations.
We don’t accept submissions or any kind of request.

Links to external websites:

External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, the animal on the planet isn’t responsible for the content of external websites. This is because:
  • the website doesn’t produce them or maintain/update them
  • the website can’t change them

Links to user-generated material:

Some of the content we link to on the website and external ones is generated by members of the public.

Your feedback is important to us. If you encounter any issues with external links or have suggestions for improving your experience on Animal On Planet, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our Contact Us page.

Thank you for exploring the wonders of the animal world with us.


Animal On Planet,