Animals can be the great importance in human life. Any living creature other than a human being can be referred to as an animal. Everyone loves animals in the world, but humans are the biggest threat to their survival.
Each of the animals on this list isn’t only rare, but they’re also critically endangered. Species around the world are going extinct every day. These rare animals are primarily due to climate change, habitat loss, hunting, poaching, and accidental death caused by human activities.
Here are the 10 lists of the rarest animals, including some of which you probably didn’t know they’ve existed:
- Cross River Gorilla
Credit: WWF
- Genus: Gorilla
- Family: Hominidae
- Scientific Name: Gorilla gorilla diehli
- Height: 4 to 5 ½ feet when standing on two feet
- Weight: up to 440 pounds
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: 200 to 300 individuals
- Location: Forested hills and mountains of the Nigeria-Cameroon border region
- Amur Leopard
Credit: WWF
- Genus: Panthera
- Family: Felidae
- Scientific Name: Panthera pardus orientalis
- Shoulder Height: 2–78 cm
- Tail: 82–90 cm
- Weight: 70–105 pounds
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: More than 84 individuals
- Location: Primorye region of northern China and southeastern Russia
- Philippine Crocodile
Credit: Getty Images
- Genus: Crocodylus
- Family: Crocodylidae
- Scientific Name: Crocodylus mindorensis
- Speed: 17-32 KM/H
- Weight: 198–418 pounds
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: More than 95 individuals
- Location: Asia, Southeast Asia, Philippines
- Sumatran Rhino
Credit: WWF
- Genus: Dicerorhinus
- Family: Rhinocerotidae
- Scientific Name: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
- Height: 3.3–5 feet
- Weight: 1,320–2,090 pounds
- Length: 6.5–13 feet
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: Fewer than 80
- Location: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, other parts of Indonesia, and China
- Black-Footed Ferret
Credit: WWF
- Genus: Mustela
- Family: Mustelidae
- Scientific Name: Mustela nigripes
- Head and body Size: 15–20 inches
- Tail Size: 4.25–5 inches
- Weight: 1.5–2.5 pounds
- Length: 18–24 inches
- Current Status: Endangered
- Population: Approximately 370 in the wild
- Location: Arizona, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana, USA
- Northern Bald Ibis
Credit: Getty Images
- Genus: Geronticus
- Family: Threskiornithidae
- Scientific Name: Geronticus eremita
- Weight: 1.0–1.3 kg
- Current Status: Endangered
- Population: Less than 250
- Location: Southern Morocco and Syria and other parts of the Middle East
- Vaquita
- Genus: Phocoena
- Family: Phocoenidae
- Scientific Name: Phocoena sinus
- Height: up to 5 feet
- Weight: up to 120 pounds
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: More than 10 individuals
- Location: Northern Gulf of California
- Mountain Pygmy Possum
Credit: National Geographic
- Genus: Burramys
- Family: Burramyidae
- Scientific Name: Burramys parvus
- Weight: 44–48 g
- Length: 5–12 cm
- Lifespan: 4–7 Years
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: Fewer than 2,000
- Location: Southern Australia
- The Bornean Orangutan
Credit: Getty Images
- Genus: Pongo
- Family: Hominidae
- Scientific Name: Pongo pygmaeus
- Height: 3.3–4.6 feet
- Weight: 66–220 pounds
- Lifespan: 4–7 Years
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: About 104,700
- Location: Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra
- Addax
Credit: Getty Images
- Genus: Addax
- Family: Bovidae
- Scientific Name: Addax nasomaculatus
- Shoulder Height: 95–115 cm
- Horns: 76–109 cm
- Weight: 100–135 kilograms
- Length: 76–109 cm
- Lifespan: up to 25 Years
- Current Status: Critically Endangered
- Population: More than 90
- Location: Sahara Desert